Sunday, December 21, 2008

Gift Runner and Years

Treasure your gift of what you have.  A note below confirms how you can document a flaw, But I'm sure this great runner can grow to fill what he will miss.  Years of not being able to perform will blossom with realizing the gift you have. 

"i just had surgery for a real problem - i had a rare complication from
simple arthroscopy - may 6 - a little cartilage split cleaned up -
all was fine - wonderful joint surface - plenty of miles left - felt
like a runner in august - getting ready to train - then a different pain
and ... i developed osteonecrosis - a rare thing after a scope. the
bone is dying. the problem is that the cartilage needs the bone - well
nobody in buffalo wanted to do anything since most people get better
with rest. i got to baltimore but i lost - it was too late. the
cartilage just flapped off - the bone was gone - i have 1/3 of the joint
surface cartilage gone on the inner half of the knee upper bone - the
medial femoral condyle. i am non weight bearing for over a month. i
had microfracture done - a technique of drilling into the bone to
stimulate the bone to heal and fill in with a kind of cartilage -
fibroblastic cartilage - its not the same as good hyaline cartilage - i
don't think i could run on it - but i may get a cartilage transplant -
i have cartilage cells in the freezer - stored to maybe grow them to
transplant them back in. i won't run for 2 years if i go to that - if
at all. 20% end up with a knee replacement in 5 years from where i am
now. so ... tough prospects. tell everyone for me - run like its the
best thing you could ever do - 'cuz it really is - it is a great gift.

i will get along fine but it seems like i may not contribute anymore to
gvh. no laments - this is not morbid. this is about charging up for
opportunities when you got 'em.
i'll update over the months as i work towards getting back."

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